February 27th, 2025

Greetings to Jesus’ Disciples,

On February 16 our adult forum discussed the planning for the 250th Birthday for the United States of America using the Wired Word Curriculum.  A couple of questions I’m curious to hear your thoughts on.


The first, “What ideals from our nation’s founding should be highlighted during a celebration of our 250th birthday?  How would a renewal of these ideals help our country in a time of division?  In our discussion, it was easy to name the divisions and more difficult to brainstorm for what could unite us. 

The other was, “What four persons would you carve into a biblical Mount Rushmore?  And why?”  Would Moses and Elijah be in the running?  Would Peter, Paul, Mary or Elizabeth be on your short list?  Who is it that you want to look up to chiseled in stone? What saints encourage you along the way and why?


On Sunday we celebrate the Transfiguration of our Lord and find Jesus in his glory with Moses and Elijah in their glory and Peter, James and John terrified in the cloud and something magnificent and out of the disciple’s element is about to begin.  God is up to something and Jesus is the chosen one and God asks us to listen to Jesus.


There are many times in our lives when we experience being “out of our element” when things are happening that are just beyond our grasp, and we try to navigate as best we can with what we know and in whom we trust.  We gather together and talk with each other, knowing that we are better together rather than isolated on our own.

As Jesus was praying, the appearance of his face changed and he became dazzling white.  As we pray may our appearance change as we align ourselves with God’s will.

We closed our adult study with this prayer: 


God of the nations, we thank you for giving us the opportunity to live as Christians in the United States of America.  Remind us of our obligations to keep covenant with you, and give us opportunities to join you in liberating work, as we attempt to create a more perfect Union.  May we live by the values of your kingdom as we worship, work, learn, serve and celebrate together. In Jesus’ name.  Amen.

Bold Inquisitive Belief Loving Expansively,

Pastor Connie Spitzack