Where We Are

Come visit us on the southwest corner of Melrose Ave. & Mormon Trek Blvd!

Our services are:

Sundays at 8:30 & 11:00A



King Park &
Prayer Labyrinth

King Park is an open green space, owned by the congregation and located just to the west of the church. It serves as a recreation space for residents of the neighborhood and provides space for a community garden. King Park is our faith community’s gift to our community.

You are invited to walk and pray on our Prayer Labyrinth.  Walk in a path you can trust because it will take you to one place – the cross at the center.  Stop and talk with Jesus, who loves you and cares for you, and follow the path back out, ready to engage in the world. Or take some time to just sit and talk with God on the benches near the labyrinth.