God’s love is planted in us and flows through us, and we bloom in the sunshine of God’s grace. God’s grace transforms us to be more like Jesus. Jesus matters to us. What he taught us. How he lived among us. And what he did for us on the cross matters for us. Jesus teaches us to be human and bear the image of God in the world. I get to see the image of God in you, and you get to see the image of God in me. As witnesses of what and why Jesus matters, we are translators, communicators of God’s good news in Jesus Christ.
Luke’s gospel presents us with people who are wondering about the suffering and death that Pilate caused for worshippers and Jesus throws into the mix people who died when a tower fell. Jesus uses these incidents to redirect their focus back to God in his call for repentance, look again. And then he tells a parable about a fruitless fig tree. What do you want to see happen to this fig tree?
Look again at the suffering we see today that captures our attention. How does it make you feel or compel you to act? We could easily insert Putin for Pilate when we think about world leaders causing suffering for people. We wonder why and Jesus invites us to look again. Look for how Jesus is at work in the midst of this suffering. How does that make you feel or compel you to act?
God loves this world and is already here and at work in the suffering of the world. I am compelled to pray and listen for what the Holy Spirit is calling us to do. I am compelled to give money to Lutheran Services in Iowa as they work with our government to resettle refugees. What are you compelled to do as you turn to God?
Read the parable of the fig tree and ask what you want to see happen to the fig tree. Do you want to see the fig tree cut down or bear fruit? Do you want to see the gardener be successful even if she failed to care for the tree for 3 years? Is tending now, after 3 years going to be enough? Should the vineyard owner, who planted the tree done more than simply look for figs? Whose fault, if any, is it that the tree has not yielded fruit?
What do you want to see happen? Wrestle with these questions. Turn to God and each other and see what happens. Jesus uses stories like parables to teach us, to get us ready for the tree that he will bear fruit on, a tree of suffering and death that will produce new life in us.
Bold Inquisitive Belief Loving Expansively,
Pastor Connie Spitzack